how do you think about german

  • I believe that it's not the matter of history, but only people who doesn't want to know anything about history of other countries.

    I had the same story when I was in US in 2005 and 2006.

    When I told someone that I'm from Poland, the guy just looked at me and said: "Wow, so how did you get out of this country? You've still got communism there, right?" - this is real people so since then I'm cautious when talking to people abroad :/

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von detalone ()

  • i think that we tealked enough in our country about the second world war and what we have done.

    but the time is over and we should look to the future and not in the past.

    and probably a lot of american´s think that germany is a "nazi-land" but the time is over.. we are now a different country like in 1945.

    i think all people should think about all this shit. :)

    edit : sorry if my english is so bad ;)

  • lol the americans slaughtered the redskins, more rassism against black people
    than germany, the KKK and something what is called "Arische Bruderschaft" so
    i think americans are the last, who can say, that we germans are a rassist
    nazi hitlercountry!


    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Shishawunder ()

  • _Skyline_, Shishawunder,

    That's called a stereotype.

    In simple words: it's just what other thinks about you not caused by their knowledge about you, but overal opinion from the past about people from different countries, places, etc.

    One of my favorites is a joke about polish stereotype in Germany:

    "Why come to Poland for vacation?
    Because your car is already there :)"

  • Zitat

    Original von Shishawunder
    lol the americans slaughtered the redskins, more rassism against black people
    than germany, the KKK and something what is called "Arische Bruderschaft" so
    i think americans are the last, who can say, that we germans are a rassist
    nazi hitlercountry!

    maybe the american´s are the last who can say that but they do it!!

    @ detalone: your favorite is good :D
    but you say the truth!

  • hey well iam turkish i live in germany,
    i think in germany is everything correct sometimes to much correct :)
    i like germany and after my studies i´d like to work here to and not every german drink beer and is fat they have a strictly timetable everything is planed its nerved sometimes but i dont know it eiserwise :)
    best wishes from germany :schlag: