We'd like to Welcome you!

  • Hello international visitors,
    welcome to our great forum.

    All hookah-smoker, who are not able to write german,
    now have the opportunity to post questions here and simply talk about hookah stuff in english language.

    so welcome in this great hookah-forum,
    we hope you guys have fun here.

    with kind regards,


  • Welcome here how are you?

    Priwiet kak dila?

    Neu im Angebot :
    Das gesammte Internet auf 894 DVD's!
    Auf Anfrage auch ohne Pornos auf 2 CD's

    Edited once, last by Gebot ().

  • Quote

    Original von Gebot
    Welcome here how are you?

    Priwiet kak dila?

    please write english in this section.

    oh well.. welcome to all of you

    getting on your nerves since '04

  • yes nice section

    welcome our new international unsers

    Starbuzz R0cks

    Negativ: Chicksterminator

  • for that you will learn to speak english in a way people from different countries can understand you.

    "Why do we have an English topic?

    For what is this?"

    Moderating since 2005.

    Ironie ist das Körnchen Salz, das das Aufgetischte überhaupt erst genießbar macht.
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
    28.08.1749 - 22.03.1832
    dt. Schriftsteller

  • Maybe I'm going to be the first "foreign" user in this thread ;)
    In two weeks I'll visit the USA and spend one year there. Just when I'm at a computer I try to remember replying to this thread and so on perhaps to be the first user who replies from a foreign country *g*

    The idea is definitely interesting for me and I think also for many others could profit.

    Nichts auf der Welt ist so gerecht verteilt wie der Verstand. Denn jedermann ist überzeugt, dass er genug davon habe.
    (Rene Descartes, fr. Mathematiker u. Philosoph, 1596-1650)

    Edited once, last by Pico ().

  • Quote

    Original von Pico
    Maybe I'm going to be the first "foreign" user in this thread ;)
    In two weeks I'll visit the USA and spend one year there. Just when I'm at a computer I try to remember replying to this thread and so on perhaps to be the first user who replies from a foreign country *g*

    The idea is definitely interesting for me and I think also for many others could profit.

    try to get or page some radio-commercials or anything like that over there ;)

    we really do need some foreign users to get life into this section.. (as some of you pointed out..)

    nevertheless: we had some guy from (i think) australia a year ago posting here. said, that this was the biggest shisha-community he found .. (that was why he was looking for info here *hrhr*)

    getting on your nerves since '04

  • Nice Idea,

    but let's hire the Domain "http://www.shisha-board.com/", so that everybody will find us right here :-)

    "Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold" ... " Ich glaub Silber steht mir einfach besser."

  • Quote

    Original von gremlin
    Nice Idea,

    but let's hire the Domain "http://www.shisha-board.com/", so that everybody will find us right here :-)

    well.. lets see ;)

    getting on your nerves since '04

  • Mh, I'm going to see what I can do to get more foreign users to this board, but smoking in the US is allowed by the age of 18 and I'm sixteen. And my sister who also spent one year and after finishing the school 3 months there told me that waterpipes aren't really popular there. But the people who knew them called them 'bazooka' :S

    Nichts auf der Welt ist so gerecht verteilt wie der Verstand. Denn jedermann ist überzeugt, dass er genug davon habe.
    (Rene Descartes, fr. Mathematiker u. Philosoph, 1596-1650)

  • Sorry for my refusal, but in my view there is absolutely no need to start an international section. It´s easy to explain why: See, there is an foreign man who wants to look around and talk about some nargilem themes. How´ll his decision look like? He´d look for a forum in his speech, or a pure english one, not a german one where is just a single thread he can take part in it. Thats not realistic. To make it interesting for people across the world, a second forum in complete english language should be created, and on the other side, which had no use for us. I think in some weeks this thread is dead.



    Edited once, last by Shishael*79 ().

  • Quote

    Original von Shishael*79
    Sorry for my refusal, but in my view there is absolutely no need to start an international section. It´s easy to explain why: See, there is an foreign man who wants to look around and talk about some nargilem themes. How´ll his decision look like? He´d look for a forum in his speech, or an pure english one, not an german one where is just a single thread he can take part in it. Thats not realistic. To make it interesting for people across the world, a second forum in complete english language should be created, and on the other side, which had no use for us. I think in some weeks this thread is dead.


    ai captain

    thats what i was thinking all the time...

    there really is no need 4 a 4eign section here.

    Big Up

    Forumshomies: Greensmoker , Tomi, Aimed und lucas 82110
    Zuletzt Gekauf Bei : Shagga^^ my man :: Alles Super :hail: xD

    Tipp fürs Leben :: "Don't be a Fool, wrap your Tool!"

  • Quote

    Original von Shishael*79
    Sorry for my refusal, but in my view there is absolutely no need to start an international section. It´s easy to explain why: See, there is an foreign man who wants to look around and talk about some nargilem themes. How´ll his decision look like? He´d look for a forum in his speech, or a pure english one, not a german one where is just a single thread he can take part in it. Thats not realistic. To make it interesting for people across the world, a second forum in complete english language should be created, and on the other side, which had no use for us. I think in some weeks this thread is dead.


    But if some foreign people take a look at this board, they´ll see this section and might register. It´s just an opportunity for them to ask questions or just read a little bit. I don´t think there are going to be so many foreign users, but the section is not completely useless.

    Edited once, last by dns ().