you know you're german when...

  • finde das ziemlich lustig, na wieviel davon trifft auf euch zu??

    you know you're german when...
    You separate your trash into more than five different bins.

    Your front door has a sign with your family name made from salt dough.

    You carry a "4You" backpack.

    You eat a cold dinner at 6pm.

    You call your cell phone "handy" and a projector "beamer".

    You have no problems with nude beaches and saunas.

    You have asked your Asian-American friend, "No, but where are you *really* from?"

    You have gotten splinters from environmentally friendly toiled paper.

    You call an afternoon stroll "Nordic Walking".

    You are shocked when you have to pay for dental care.

    You own a pair of jeans in a color other than blue.

    People start talking about Hitler and Hofbräuhaus when you tell them where you're from.

    Tenth grade was all about dancing lessons.

    You work 40 hour weeks and have 6 weeks of vacation a year, but complain about hard times.

    Your childhood diet consisted of Alete and Zwieback. Your college diet consisted of Miracoli and Döner.

    You were educated about sex by Dr. Sommer.

    You yell at people for jaywalking.

    You grew up watching "Löwenzahn" and "Die Sendung mit der Maus". And Baywatch.

    You think college tuition is an outrage.

    You routinely go 100mph on the highway and tailgate heavily.

    On your last day of high school you made your teachers sing Karaoke and jump through hoops.

    You wear brown leather shoes.

    Your first audio tape was Benjamin Blümchen and Bibi Blocksberg.

    You have ended an English sentence with "..., or?".

    You can tell at least one Manta joke.

    You're a college student in your 11th year.

    Your first sexual experience was on Sat1, Saturday night at 11pm.

    You spent hours in school learning to pronounce "th".

    You expect chocolate in your shoes on December 6th.

    You complain that in other countries everything is dirty.

    und nocheiner, von einer gruppe von austauschstudenten:

    You've studied abroad in Germany if:

    1. You have sorted your garbage into at least 3 garbage cans and you know the difference (or should know the difference) between "Gelbe Sacke" and "Restmull"

    2. You have ever drank: a Maß, Meter or Stiefel of beer.

    3. You have ever had or not had "lust" to do something.

    4. You get excited that CNN is in English.

    5. You know what a Döner is, and you've eaten more than one in the same week from a different "Imbiss" each time.

    6. You've been to Oktoberfest

    7. You've worried before about catching "the last Strassenbahn" home.

    8. You've ever been stressed out at the grocery store while checking out, and have noted that you will never take "baggers" for granted ever again.

    9. You've enjoyed the ablility to walk down the street/ride the strassenbahn/hang out in public drinking a beer or other alcoholic beverage.

    10. You've watched the Simpsons in German and hated it.

    11. You've ordered more than one Kugel of Eis a day...everyday...

    12. You've laughed at someone trying to say "squirrel"

    13. You know what a "Klo" is and you've gone "auf" one.

    14. You know what the "German Stare" is.

    15. You know what DB stands for.

    16. You've ever explained to someone what a "pinata" is.

    17. You've ever visited the local gas station on a Sunday because it's the only thing open.

    18.You know the difference between Milka and Ritter Sport.

    19. You know what a WG is, and have lived in one.

    20. You've ever been totally confused on how to open any and all windows/doors/locks.

    Mir egal wer dein Vater ist, wenn ich hier angele hast du nicht übers Wasser zu laufen!!!!

  • naja die typischen deutschen vorurteile .... wobei 90% bei mir da eh nicht zutreffen ....
    aber naja was solls, ist sicherlich eh von deutschen gemacht worden von daher ....

    Hier ein paar Satzzeichen - einfach mit Copy & Paste in eigene Beiträge einfügen!

    . , ; : ! ?

  • Zitat

    Original von Red`[siEm]d_laVV
    aber naja was solls, ist sicherlich eh von deutschen gemacht worden von daher ....

    nö, is von ner facebook-gruppe von erasmus studenten gesammelt die halt mal in deutschland gelebt haben

    Mir egal wer dein Vater ist, wenn ich hier angele hast du nicht übers Wasser zu laufen!!!!

  • sehr geil

    Gekauft/getauscht bei/mit : Zeilli(1+); Genissis(1+); Thomas(1+); CrazyKacka(1+); Tieftaucher(1++); Psyfire(1++); Bigalexxx(1++); Krause90(1++, supperschneller Versand!); dddd(1+); Adrian2290(1+); smokingX (1++, sauschnell)