ginis tobacco- terror mint?

  • 'Hi,

    weiß jemand woher man von gini's tobacco den terror mint her bekommt? bzw wer den Tabak hier in Deutschland überhaupt verkauft? konnte nur den mint versuchen bei nem kumpel und der war echt geil :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: ! Danke schon mal, vielleicht hat jemand ja infos für mich

  • Moin,

    hier von der Facebookseite, 13.3.15:

    "Dear freinds
    now the time has come and we are about to bring out gini’s tobacco on the german market. We will give out some free tobacco samples for people who are running Web Blogs, Twitter accounts, Facebook Pages, YouTube channels or Websites. If you are interested in being one of the first persons who will taste gini’s tobacco in germany feel free to send us an email to
    including your shipping address, some links to your media pages than you will soon receive a free sample. We hope you will love gini’s and leave some good feedbacks on your media pages and tell us and the people out there what you think about our tobacco!"